Centreon Weathermap module

Centreon Weathermap module

Centreon Weathermap module 150 150 Roderick Derks

Install Weathermap

cd /tmp

wget http://www.network-weathermap.com/files/php-weathermap-0.97a.zip


unzip php-weathermap-0.97a.zip
mv weathermap /usr/local
cd /usr/local/weathermap/
chown -R apache:apache *
chmod u+w ./configs
mv editor-config.php-dist editor-config.php

cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
vi weathermap.conf

# php-weathermap-0.9
# PHP-WEATHERMAP : A php writen network weathermap graphing tool
Alias /weathermap “/usr/local/weathermap”

<Directory “/usr/local/weathermap”>
    #Order Deny,Allow Deny from all
    # Allow from (ip address allowed) (take care, you must remove # to make this line readable)
    Allow from

Install Centreon Weathermap Module

I downloaded the SVN version of Centreon Weathermap on another server because I don not want to install subversion and all the dependancies on my centreon server.

yum install subvervsion dos2unix
svn co http://svn.modules.centreon.com/centreon-weathermap/trunk/www/modules/
cd modules
scp -R php-weathermap root@centreon:/usr/local/centreon/www/modules/

chmod 755 /usr/local/centreon/www/modules/php-weathermap/configuration/editor/weathermap
chmod 775 -R /usr/local/centreon/www/modules/php-weathermap/views/renderer
chmod 775 -R /usr/local/centreon/www/modules/php-weathermap/configuration/editor/configs/
chown -R nagios:nagios /usr/local/centreon/www/modules/php-weathermap/

find . -type f -exec dos2unix {} \;
fgrep -r CENTREON_ETC .
find . -name '*.php*' -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/\@CENTREON_ETC\@/\/etc\/centreon/g'
fgrep -r PHP_BIN .
find . -name '*' -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/\@PHP_BIN\@/\/usr\/bin\/php/g'
fgrep -r BIN_RRDTOOL .
find . -name '*' -print0 | xargs -0 perl -pi -e 's/\@BIN_RRDTOOL\@/\/usr\/bin\/rrdtool/g'


Goto the Centreon web frontend.

Administration -> Modules php-weathermap -> Actions : Install Module Install Module

Views -> PHP-Weathermap -> PWM Editor : Configuration
         Create A New Map as a copy of an existing map : test -> Create
         Add node: click on the node : change the host and the label (i.e. create a server)
         Add node: click on the node : change the host and the label (i.e. create a switch)
         Add Link: click on Add a Link : change Traffic service and the Maximum Bandwidth
         Views -> PHP-Weathermap -> PWM Editor : Generate Views -> PHP-Weathermap -> Images : List

Which RRD file is used by a service

# mysql -uroot -p centstorage
mysql> SELECT id FROM index_data WHERE host_name = "router01" AND service_description = "Network Usage Internet";
| id |
| 74 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from metrics where index_id = '74' +-----------+----------+--------------+------------------+-----------+------+------+--------+------+------+--------+ | metric_id | index_id | metric_name  | data_source_type | unit_name | warn | crit | hidden | min  | max  | locked | +-----------+----------+--------------+------------------+-----------+------+------+--------+------+------+--------+ |       195 |       74 | inAbsolut    | 0                |           |    0 |    0 | 1      |    0 |    0 | NULL   | |       193 |       74 | inBandwidth  | 0                | KBs       |    0 |    0 | 0      |    0 |    0 | NULL   | |       191 |       74 | inUsage      | 0                | %         |   85 |   98 | 0      |    0 |    0 | NULL   | |       196 |       74 | outAbsolut   | 0                |           |    0 |    0 | 1      |    0 |    0 | NULL   | |       194 |       74 | outBandwidth | 0                | KBs       |    0 |    0 | 0      |    0 |    0 | NULL   | |       192 |       74 | outUsage     | 0                | %         |   85 |   98 | 0      |    0 |    0 | NULL   | +-----------+----------+--------------+------------------+-----------+------+------+--------+------+------+--------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec) 

Roderick Derks

Liefhebber van fietsen, van het oplossen van IT puzzels, en van het delen van informatie om anderen te helpen.

All stories by:Roderick Derks

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