Bind/Named: troubleshooting issues

Bind/Named: troubleshooting issues

Bind/Named: troubleshooting issues 150 150 Roderick Derks

Issue: No DNS lookups for external domains anymore, resolving internal domains works correctly
Error: "(network unreachable) resolving '"
Solution: check the current date and time on the server and adjust it.

Issue: DNS requests for FQDN's outside of my LAN are not resolved anymore.
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: validating @0x7f32c43d00a0: . NS: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (insecurity proof failed) resolving './NS/IN':
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: managed-keys-zone ./IN: No DNSKEY RRSIGs found for '': success
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: managed-keys-zone ./IN: No DNSKEY RRSIGs found for '.': success
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: /var/named/dynamic/managed-keys.bind.jnl: create: file not found
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: managed-keys-zone ./IN: keyfetch_done:dns_journal_open -> unexpected error
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: validating @0x7f32c43cd070: . NS: no valid signature found
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving './NS/IN':
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: validating @0x7f32c43cd070: . NS: no valid signature found
Jun 16 18:41:13 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving './NS/IN':
Jun 16 18:41:14 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (network unreachable) resolving './NS/IN': 2001:dc3::35#53

Jun 16 18:41:13 alpedhuez named[13832]: validating @0x7f32c43cd070: . NS: no valid signature found
Jun 16 18:41:13 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving './NS/IN':
Jun 16 18:41:14 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (network unreachable) resolving './NS/IN': 2001:dc3::35#53
Jun 16 18:41:14 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (network unreachable) resolving './NS/IN': 2001:7fd::1#53

I don't konw the solution, but I do know it is related to dnssec. I disabled dnssec in my named.conf as a workaround:
dnssec-validation no;

Maybe someone else can explain this to me?

Roderick Derks

Liefhebber van fietsen, van het oplossen van IT puzzels, en van het delen van informatie om anderen te helpen.

All stories by:Roderick Derks
  • Alston 09/26/2018 at 14:42

    Before I can help you, What flavor of Linux? Was any files editied in /var/named directory, or /etc/named.conf file?

    • Roderick Derks 10/09/2018 at 15:35

      Thnx for the effort to help me out. I moved my data and apps to the cloud, don’t need an on premise DNS anymore 🙂

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