R71 IT Blog

Bind/Named: troubleshooting issues

Bind/Named: troubleshooting issues 150 150 Roderick Derks

Issue: No DNS lookups for external domains anymore, resolving internal domains works correctly Error: "(network unreachable) resolving 'dlv.isc.org/DNSKEY/IN" Solution: check the current date and time on the server and adjust it. Issue: DNS requests for FQDN's outside of my LAN are not resolved anymore. Error: Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: validating @0x7f32c43d00a0: . NS: got…

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ESXi: HA errors and troubleshooting

ESXi: HA errors and troubleshooting 150 150 Roderick Derks

Just now I got this error when trying to enable HA on a cluster with two ESXi4 hosts:"Cannot complete the configuration of the HA agent on the host. Other HA configuration error." When experiencing HA configuration issues there are a couple of steps I usually take to try to fix the experienced issues: Click “reconfigure…

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Centreon: install centreon-engine on Centos 5.6

Centreon: install centreon-engine on Centos 5.6 150 150 Roderick Derks

CMAKE ———- yum install gcc-c++ libX11-devel libXext-devel libXtst-devel libXinerama-devel wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.4.tar.gz tar xfvz cmake-2.8.4.tar.gz ./configure gmake gmake install Centreon Engine ————— yum install gcc-c++ qt4-devel cmake make useradd -m centreon groupadd centreon usermod -a -G centreon centreon cd /tmp wget http://www.centreon.com/downloads/centreon-engine.tar.gz tar xzf centreon-engine.tar.gz cd centreon-engine cd build cmake -DWITH_USER=centreon -DWITH_PREFIX=/usr/local/centengine -DWITH_TEMP_DIR=/usr/local/centengine/tmp -DWITH_GROUP=centreon -DWITH_CHECK_RESULT_DIR=/usr/local/centengine/var gmake…

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Centos install on USB device using kickstart

Centos install on USB device using kickstart 150 150 Roderick Derks

# Kickstart file generated by Roderick Derks. # Centos 5.6 #version=DEVEL install url –url http://freenas02.r71.nl:8080/Centos_5.6/cd1/ lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us timezone –utc Europe/Amsterdam rootpw  –iscrypted $6$AFQ9hKwPBKDUZwXd$E9nM0G2GBa4h2wDoG3D4mbK/fhpg.ER0RovPd4c5zKLHXjv7APZ7/rDAcDSvpFa2CBqq9rEdyZHYw/eY13EON. selinux –disabled authconfig –enableshadow –passalgo=sha512 –enablefingerprint firewall –enabled –ssh –http #ask for network config during installation #network –device=eth0 –bootproto=query reboot bootloader –location=mbr –driveorder=sda –append="acpi=off" clearpart –linux –drives=sda part /boot –fstype…

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Centos Fedora: PXE boot server setup

Centos Fedora: PXE boot server setup 150 150 Roderick Derks

* yum install tftp-server * vi /etc/xinetd.d/tftp and change disable to 'no' and check root path for tftp server disable = no server_args = -s /tftpboot * restart xinetd service xinetd restart * Install syslinux yum install syslinux * Copy needed files from syslinux to the tftpboot directory cp /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /tftpboot cp /usr/share/syslinux/menu.c32 /tftpboot cp…

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VMware ESX and Hyper-Threading

VMware ESX and Hyper-Threading 150 150 Roderick Derks

This article is based on my own performance measurements using the passmark tool. Hyper-Threading gives you a 15% to 20% performance gain on "common" VM's. Some CPU intensive applications which are not multi-threaded build can suffer badly from Hyper-Threading functionality. I think this is because a physical CPU core is split and delivers 50% of…

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Zimbra: Certificate Expiration and Renewal

Zimbra: Certificate Expiration and Renewal 150 150 Roderick Derks

This article is mainly to prepare myself for possible upcoming certification renewals. Zimbra ZCS 7.0.x requires a valid self-signed or commercial SSL certificate for communication between some components. The self-signed certificates that are automatically created by the ZCS install have a default expiration of 365 days. If you have an ZCS installation that is over…

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Install Centreon Syslog server

Install Centreon Syslog server 491 250 Roderick Derks

Starting point: Centreon 2.1.12 Centos 5.5 1. U will need ssh2 library to work in php and apache # yum install php-pecl-ssh2.x86_64 # service httpd restart Centos 6.2 get the package from http://pkgs.org/centos-6-rhel-6/remi-x86_64/php-pecl-ssh2-0.11.2-1.el6.remi.x86_64.rpm.html: wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-7.noarch.rpm wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm or wget http://www.libssh2.org/download/libssh2-1.4.2.tar.gz tar xvzf libssh2-1.4.2.tar.gz cd libssh2-1.4.2 ./configure make make install Check if…

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Find available WMI classes on Windows server

Find available WMI classes on Windows server 150 150 Roderick Derks

To do that, on the server : run "wbemtest" click on "connection" and type "root\cimv2" click on "enumerate classes" and type "Win32_PerfRawData". Press "ok"   You should see a list of all Win32_PerfRawData WMI classes on the server. If you wan to find MSSQL WMI information make sure that you see a bunch of "Win32_PerfRawData_MSSQL{Instance}_MSSQL{Instance}"…

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Nagios: check vCenter MSSQL databases

Nagios: check vCenter MSSQL databases 491 250 Roderick Derks

There are more ways to check a MSSQL database from a Linux machine. This is my method for a Centos 5.5 server with Nagios 3.2.3. # wget http://labs.consol.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/check_mssql_health- or a newer version # wget http://labs.consol.de/download/shinken-nagios-plugins/check_mssql_health- # tar xvzf check_mssql_health- # cd check_mssql_health- # ./configure # make # make install # yum install perl-DBD-Sybase.x86_64 # vi…

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MySQL: allow remote conections

MySQL: allow remote conections 491 250 Roderick Derks

Very simple guide to allow remote connectios to your MySQL database. I use this for monitoring MySQL databases from 360°Viewpoint (a great preconfigured Nagios and Centreon Virtual App). # vi /etc/my.cnf   bind-address = ip_address_of_local_server   # skip-networking Allow access to all databases for one user: mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO user@ip_address_remote_server IDENTIFIED…

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Zimbra: upgrade 6.0.10 to 7.0.0

Zimbra: upgrade 6.0.10 to 7.0.0 291 126 Roderick Derks

Finally something has been done about the performance issues in the Zimbra collaberation suite. Now you don't have to have to disable scripts and adjust parameters to get a normal CPU performance. Take a look at the performance graphs of my zimbra virtual machine. The upgrade took place on the 7th of Februari 2011 (the…

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