Move a VM from VMware Server to ESX or ESXi DerksRoderick Derks
Objective: Move a VM from VMware Server to ESX or ESXi Prequisits: root access via ssh to the ESXi or ESX server (read more about how to get ssh access to ESXi) Make a folder with the name of your host (I used “ventoux” in the example) on your ESX VMFS partition to hold the…
Boot VMware ESXi 4.0 4.1 from a USB Flash Drive DerksRoderick Derks
Tools required to do the job: At least 1G USB flash drive Virtual CD mounting tool, i.e. MagicDisk WinImage to build the image to USB storage. Steps to make the bootable ESX Server 3i USB flash drive: Download ESXi Installable ISO For 4.0 extract INSTALL.TGZ from the root directory of the ISO image using WINIMAGE…
Extending the Net-SNMP agent DerksRoderick Derks
Extending the Net-SNMP agent A great functionnality of Net-SNMP is that you can “extend” it. Let’s run the /tmp/ script : Code: $ /tmp/ -arg1123 Now put this in snmpd.conf : Code: exec foo /bin/sh /tmp/ -arg1 The result of your script will be accessible under the ucdavis.extTable.extEntry tree : output of the script :…
Create a windows service from an executable DerksRoderick Derks
Prequisitsw2003 resourcekit tools installed Install the serviceC:\>sc.exe create T3NawUp dateService binPath= “C:\Program Files\Infotrom\Trodis3\MT\Binaries\T3NawUpdateService.exe – /L2” obj= “elisabeth\sa_trodis” password= “paszzworrd”[SC] CreateService SUCCESS Logon as a service right on the server when yourun the service on a specific windows accountStart > Run – Enter the gpedit.msc command and run.Select the Computer configuration setting from the appearing window…
Nokia 6021 Beach Rally 2 topscores DerksRoderick Derks
Belangrijke levensvraagstukken: Beach Rally topscore op de Nokia 6021.. kan het beter dan dit? Ik denk het wel maar ben het niet tegengekomen op internet. Die magische 4 minuten grens heb ik nog steeds niet kunnen doorbreken. Beach Rally II: 4:00.47 -> 4:00.46 -> de magische 4 minuten grens doorbroken 3:59.93 -> 3:59.71 -> 3:59.67…
Connecting to SMB share on W2K or W2K3 using a CNAME DerksRoderick Derks
Apply the following registry change to the file server to which you installed the hotfix. To do so: a. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe). b. Locate and click the following key in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters c. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value: Value name: DisableStrictNameChecking Data type: REG_DWORD…
Disk performance and Backup to NUL: command DerksRoderick Derks
Introduction Disk drive performance and databases are directly tied to each other with backups. A full backup, by definition, will start at the beginning of a database and read all the way through to the end. In the process, it can generate a large amount of disk IO. If you have a slow disk…
Disk Queue Length vs. Disk Latency Times: Which is Best for Measuring Database Performance DerksRoderick Derks
Introduction There are several common metrics that people use to look for performance bottlenecks. They are usually: –Disk queue length –Disk latency/transfer times –MB/sec –IO/sec For the rest of this note, I’ll focus on the top two.
Centreon and Nagios Install Guide DerksRoderick Derks
Centos 5.5 add repo to get RedHat packages echo "[dag] name=Dag RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux baseurl=\$releasever/en/\$basearch/dag gpgcheck=1 gpgkey= enabled=1" > /etc/yum.repos.d/dag.repo And you are off... This is what I did on my Fedora 7 box: Disable SELINUX —————————————- nagios update 2.9 to 3.0.3 —————————————- tar xvzf nagios-3.0.3.tar.gz cd nagios-3.0.3 ./configure –with-gd-lib=/usr/lib…