Lance Armstrong on the Alpe d’Huez
The year was 2001, the climb is to the top of the Alpe d'Huez. Watch and be amazed by the power of Lance Armstrong..
The year was 2001, the climb is to the top of the Alpe d'Huez. Watch and be amazed by the power of Lance Armstrong..
Most modern Linux distributions have user-friendly programs to set the timezone, often accesible through the program menus or right-clicking the clock in a desktop environment such as KDE or GNOME. Failing that it's possible to manually change the system timezone in Linux in a few short steps.
Shit that happens
# mkdir cd /tmp/restore_etc
# cd /tmp/restore_etc
# mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn rew (terugspoelen)
# mt -f /dev/rmt/0mn fsf 1 (fast forward)
# tar xvf /dev/rmt/0m etc (restore directory)
NO slash preceding "etc"
# cp -R -p -i . /etc/
Don't overwrite exisiting by pushing the N key
Another way:
# tar xvf /dev/rmt/0m etc/aliases (restore single file)
NO slash preceding "etc"
A historical moment. I received my first Marmotte racenumber: 1617. And a lovely number it is. read more
edit sudo userfile:
toevoegde regels:
user1 ALL=/usr/sbin/sam, /usr/bin/vi /etc/hosts
user2 ALL=/usr/sbin/sam, /usr/bin/vi /etc/hosts
user3 ALL=/usr/sbin/sam, /usr/bin/vi /etc/hosts
Edit .profile files of user user1, user2, user3:
alias sam="/opt/iexpress/sudo/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/sam"
This helps the user on the commandline to start SAM.
Root rights for a normal user using sudo on /etc/hosts if you execute the command "sudo vi /etc/hosts".
Aanpassing gedaan om in mail domein en servernaam te krijgen: ipv
Zie hier hoe:
# my official domain name
# masquarade as, aka site hiding(null for no masquerading)
Restricted SAM geintroduceerd voor account itakroot en beheer.
Voor beide accounts alleen rechten in sam voor beheer van printers en users.
<b># cat /home/itakroot/.profile</b>
#alias sam="/opt/iexpress/sudo/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/sam"
alias sam="/usr/sbin/sam"
Eerste alias regel is niet meer nodig aangezien er niet meer met sudo wordt gewerkt.
<b># visudo</b>
# toegang tot SAM voor de volgende users
#itakroot ALL=/usr/sbin/sam, /usr/bin/vi /etc/hosts
#techdata ALL=/usr/sbin/sam, /usr/bin/vi /etc/hosts
#beheer ALL=/usr/sbin/sam, /usr/bin/vi /etc/hosts
itakroot ALL=/usr/bin/vi /etc/hosts
beheer ALL=/usr/bin/vi /etc/hosts
Alle sudo regels uitgeschakeld voor starten van sam.
De file /etc/hosts is voor itakroot en beheer aan te passen door gebruk te maken van het commando <b>sudo vi /etc/hosts</b>. Het aanpassen van deze file vereist root rechten.
# useradd -g 101 -d /home/ajmhelvo -s /sbin/sh -c "Angela van Helvoirt" ajmhelvo
# vi /etc/passwd
ajmhelvo:*:309:101:Angela van Helvoirt:/home/ajmhelvo:/sbin/sh
ajmhelvo:*:309:101:Angela van Helvoirt:/usr/cible1/files:/sbin/sh
# passwd ajmhelvo
Today I registered myself as a contestant for the 2007 La Marmotte Grand Trophee cycling contest in the French Alps. It’s scheduled for saturday the 7th of July (07-07-07). |
To create a "new" position choose one of the names from the list of positions shown in
site>template manager>module positions
In your template add:
<?php mosLoadModules ( 'position_name'); ?>
You will want to surround it with approprate html so that it appears where you want it to and with the formatting you want.